Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunny Sunday

The sun coming through my kitchen today was amazing. It has been so gray and cold around here that the sight of sunlight streaming through my windows was so great, I went around taking pictures of everything. Spring is just around the corner, I know it is! Here are a few shots around the kitchen of things I love. The Christmas cactus above belonged to my grandmother. The planter is from Mark Hewitt but I think Alex Matisse decorated it.

Gerry has been covering the NHL All Stars thing in Raleigh this weekend, and Wes is working on college applications, so I have been able to get some pottery making done. I made some terra sig test tiles, got three barns, two pears and six mugs made, and two pitchers that I really like a lot. Getting some pieces together for an upcoming ^6 redux.
and now I need a nap!


nick friedman said...

In the mountains, the weather has been a gift these last few days. I took my jacket off outside for the first time in 3 months. Time to start Broccoli and Cauliflower indoors.

Amy said...

beautiful pottery, Tracey! I like your updated website... it's been awhile since I've read blogs. It takes SO long to figure out how the templates, etc. on blogspot work. Any advice, other than learn myself? Time, I need time...
Especially like your pendants. Next time I'm in Chapel Hill, it would be fun to meet you-- -and buy one of your pieces of pottery. :)

klineola said...

Wonderful photos! We've all had a marvelous Sunday and spent the day basking! I know that we'll have some more nasty weather here in the mtns. but it was nice to get a glimpse of spring.

Tracey Broome said...

Nick and Michael I know you are loving this warm spell, the Mts. have been slammed this year! hi Amy, would love to see you if you come to CH. I think Blogger is pretty user friendly you just have to keep clicking things until you get what you are looking for.It is time consuming, I don't watch a lot of TV so I use time I would spend doing that to do the blogger stuff :)

cookingwithgas said...

we took off yesterday and I loved it and needed to step outside my life for a day.
Riding past old barns, tobacco barns and my sign that i need a picture of- keep on the sunny side....

Tracey Broome said...

Good for you Meredith! oh and thanks now I have that song in my head again:) keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side, keep on the sunny side of life..... if you live in the south you have to know this song lol !!